Ilse Aichinger
Jamika Ajalon
Hannah Arendt
Lilly Axster
Simone de Beauvoir
Monika Bernold
Dagmar Fink
Hannah Fröhlich
Tom Holert
Billie Holiday
Belinda Kazeem
Katherine Klinger
Anna Kowalska
Nicola Lauré al-Samarai
Adrian Piper
Yvonne Rainer
Rúbia Salgado
Shirley Tate
Belinda Kazeem is a cultural theorist, freelance writer, and member of the research group on Black Austria past and present. She studied international development at Vienna University. Her work focuses on the past, present and future of decolonialization. She is currently writing a diploma thesis on bell hooks’ pedagogies.

Selected publications and projects

“Talking back. bell hooks und Schwarze feministische Ermächtigung,” Belinda Kazeem and Johanna Schaffer, in: Alexandra Karentzos, Julia Reuter (eds.): Schlüsselwerke der Postcolonial Studies. Wiesbaden 2012 (forthcoming)

Das Unbehagen im Museum. Postkoloniale Museologien, schnittpunkt ausstellungstheorie & praxis: Belinda Kazeem, Charlotte Martinz-Turek, Nora Sternfeld (eds.). Vienna 2009

“Museum. Raum. Geschichte: Neue Orte politischer Tektonik. Ein virtueller Gedankenaustausch zwischen Belinda Kazeem, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai und Peggy Piesche,” in: Das Unbehagen im Museum. Postkoloniale Museologien. schnittpunkt ausstellungstheorie & praxis (ed.). Vienna 2009

“Keine Atempause. Über Sauerstoff und antirassistischen Widerstand,” in: Konrad Becker, Martin Wassermair (eds.): Kampfzonen in Kunst und Medien. Texte zur Zukunft der Kulturpolitik. Vienna 2008

“Josefine,” video installation, 5 min., by Belinda Kazeem and Claudia Unterweger (Research group on Black Austria past and present), as part of the project “Verborgene Geschichte/n – remapping Mozart.” Vienna 2006

“Zavzemamo Prostor” (We are seizing and claiming space), artwork by Araba-Evelyn Johnston-Arthur and Belinda Kazeem, Pavelhaus. Laafeld 2007